Sports Fitness Blood Tests
High Quality, Fast, Cost-effective, & Efficient Services

Whether you’re lacing up your running shoes for the first time or gearing up for a major endurance event like a marathon or triathlon, our blood tests provide essential data to guide your training journey. With regular monitoring of vital biomarkers, you’ll gain valuable insights into your body’s response to exercise and track your progress over time.
Our Services
Sports Fitness Profile £149
What gets tested?
Muscle & Bone (3 health indicators)
Liver Function (8 health indicators)
Full Blood Count (24 health indicators)
Kidney Function (3 health indicators)
Iron Studies (5 health indicators)
Cholesterol (6 health indicators)
Inflammation (1 health indicators)
Hormones (1 health indicators)
Gout (1 health
Vitamins (2 health indicators)
Sports Hormone Profile £219
What gets tested?
Liver Function (8 health indicators)
Hormones (9 health indicators)
Thyroid (2 health indicators)
Testosterone Plus Profile £99
What gets tested?
Liver Function (1 health indicators)
Hormones (3 health indicators)
Not Sure What You Need?
Simply give us a call or get in touch with us via our contact from. We are here to help.